
Campaign to endorse the Chicago Principles on freedom of expression


We, the undersigned MIT faculty members, urge that the Institute improve its written commitment to academic freedom and free expression by officially adopting the Chicago Principles, as articulated in a 2014 University of Chicago report.

The Principles have been adopted by Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, BU, and 78 other universities and colleges.

If you are an MIT faculty member and wish to add your name to the list of signatories or have any questions, please email

  1. Hal Abelson, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  2. Edward H. Adelson, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  3. Antoine Allanore, Materials Science and Engineering
  4. Raymond Ashoori, Physics
  5. David Autor, Economics
  6. Pierre Azoulay, Sloan
  7. Arthur Baggeroer, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  8. Lotte Bailyn, Sloan
  9. Ian Ball, Economics
  10. Ronald Ballinger, Nuclear Science & Engineering
  11. Arnold Barnett, Sloan
  12. Regina Barzilay, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  13. Mark Bathe, Biological Engineering
  14. Moungi Bawendi, Chemistry
  15. Martin Z. Bazant, Chemical Engineering and Mathematics 
  16. Daniel Blankschtein, Chemical Engineering
  17. Alexei Borodin, Mathematics
  18. Lydia Bourouiba, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Institute for Medical Engineering and Science 
  19. Jacopo Buongiorno, Nuclear Science & Engineering
  20. Chris Burge, Biology 
  21. John W. M. Bush, Mathematics
  22. Wit Busza, Physics
  23. Alex Byrne, Linguistics and Philosophy
  24. Wai Cheng, Mechanical Engineering
  25. Victor Chernozhukov, Economics
  26. Noam Chomsky, Linguistics and Philosophy
  27. Robert E. Cohen, Chemical Engineering
  28. Martin Culpepper, Mechanical Engineering
  29. Michael Scott Asato Cuthbert, Music & Theater Arts
  30. Munther Dahleh, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
  31. Areg Danagoulian, Nuclear Science & Engineering
  32. Peter Dedon, Biological Engineering
  33. Laurent Demanet, Mathematics
  34. John Deutch, Chemistry
  35. Patrick Doyle, Chemical Engineering
  36. Jörn Dunkel, Mathematics
  37. Semyon Dyatlov, Mathematics
  38. Alan Edelman, Mathematics
  39. Kerry Emanuel, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
  40. Pavel Etingof, Mathematics
  41. Nicholas Fang, Mechanical Engineering
  42. Edward Farhi, Physics
  43. John E. Fernandez, Architecture
  44. Yoel Fink, Materials Science and Engineering
  45. Ernest Fraenkel, Biological Engineering
  46. Liang Fu, Physics
  47. Kate E. Galloway, Chemical Engineering
  48. Ahmed F. Ghoniem, Mechanical Engineering
  49. Leon R. Glicksman, Mechanical Engineering
  50. Jeff Gore, Physics
  51. Stephen Graves, Sloan
  52. Linda Griffith, Biological and Mechanical Engineering
  53. Alan J. Grodzinsky, Biological Engineering
  54. Jongyoon Han, Biological Engineering
  55. Aram Harrow, Physics
  56. T. Alan Hatton, Chemical Engineering
  57. John R. Hauser, Sloan
  58. Thomas Heldt, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Institute for Medical Engineering & Science
  59. Neville Hogan, Mechanical Engineering and Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  60. Anette Hosoi, Mechanical Engineering
  61. Ian Hunter, Mechanical Engineering
  62. Ian Hutchinson, Nuclear Science & Engineering
  63. Piotr Indyk, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  64. Tommi Jaakkola, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  65. Alan Jasanoff, Biological Engineering
  66. Victor Kac, Mathematics
  67. Mehran Kardar, Physics
  68. Gordon M. Kaufman, Sloan
  69. Eduardo Kausel, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  70. Manolis Kellis, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  71. R. Scott Kemp, Nuclear Science & Engineering
  72. Jay Keyser, Linguistics and Philosophy
  73. Sang-Gook Kim, Mechanical Engineering
  74. James Kirtley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  75. Daniel Kleppner, Physics
  76. Eric Klopfer, Comparative Media Studies/Writing
  77. Angela Koehler, Biological Engineering
  78. S.P. Kothari, Sloan
  79. Richard Larsen, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
  80. Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Biological Engineering
  81. J. Chappell Lawson, Political Science
  82. Patrick Lee, Physics
  83. John J. Leonard, Mechanical Engineering
  84. Mingda Li, Nuclear Science & Engineering
  85. John Lienhard, Mechanical Engineering
  86. Richard Linzden, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
  87. Hong Liu, Physics
  88. Harvey Lodish, Biology
  89. Nuno Loureiro, Nuclear Science & Engineering
  90. George Lusztig, Mathematics
  91. Scott Manalis, Biological Engineering
  92. John Marshall, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
  93. Robert McKersie, Sloan
  94. Gareth H. McKinley, Mechanical Engineering
  95. Max Metlitski, Physics 
  96. Albert R. Meyer, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  97. William P. Minicozzi, Mathematics
  98. Leonid A. Mirny, Physics and Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  99. Nick Montfort, Comparative Media Studies/Writing
  100. Michael S. Scott Morton, Sloan
  101. Elchanan Mossel, Mathematics
  102. Tomasz S. Mrowka, Mathematics
  103. Fiona E. Murray, Sloan
  104. Allan S. Myerson, Chemical Engineering
  105. John W. Negele, Physics
  106. Dava Newman, Media Lab, AeroAstro, IMES
  107. Richard Nielsen, Political Science
  108. Leslie Norford, Architecture
  109. Paul O’Gorman, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
  110. Benjamin Olken, Economics
  111. Jonathan Parker, Sloan
  112. Ron Parker, Nuclear Science & Engineering
  113. Pablo Parrilo, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  114. Christoph Paus, Physics
  115. Jaime Peraire, Aeronautics and Astronautics
  116. Roger Peterson, Political Science
  117. Robert Pindyck, Sloan
  118. Bjorn Poonen, Mathematics
  119. Drazen Prelec, Sloan, Economics, and Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  120. Raul Radovitzky, Aeronautics and Astronautics
  121. Hazhir Rahmandad, Sloan
  122. Katharina Ribbeck, Biological Engineering
  123. Martin Rinard, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  124. Ronald Rivest, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  125. Edward Roberts, Sloan
  126. Caroline A. Ross, Materials Science and Engineering
  127. Daniel H. Rothman, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
  128. Gregory C. Rutledge, Chemical Engineering
  129. Donald R. Sadoway, Materials Science and Engineering
  130. Harvey M. Sapolsky, Political Science
  131. Edward Schiappa, Comparative Media Studies/Writing
  132. Antoinette Schoar, Sloan
  133. Kieran Setiya, Linguistics and Philosophy 
  134. Yossi Sheffi, MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
  135. Scott Sheffield, Mathematics
  136. Michael Short, Nuclear Science & Engineering
  137. Michael Sipser, Mathematics
  138. Bradford Skow, Linguistics and Philosophy
  139. Kenneth A. Smith, Chemical Engineering
  140. Charles Sodini, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  141. Armando Solar-Lezama, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  142. Donca Steriade, Linguistics and Philosophy
  143. Daniel W. Stroock, Mathematics
  144. Nike Sun, Mathematics
  145. Gerald Jay Sussman, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  146. Steven R. Tannenbaum, Biological Engineering
  147. Max Tegmark, Physics
  148. David Thesmar, Sloan
  149. Senthil Todadri, Physics
  150. Bernhardt L. Trout, Chemical Engineering
  151. William Charles Uricchio, Comparative Media Studies/Writing
  152. Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  153. Vladan Vuletić, Physics
  154. Dennis Whyte, Nuclear Science & Engineering
  155. John Williams, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  156. Jack Wisdom, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  157. Alexander Wolitzky, Economics
  158. Sidney Yip, Nuclear Science & Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering
  159. Wei Zhang, Mathematics
  160. Evan Ziporyn, Music & Theater Arts
  161. Barton Zwiebach, Physics
  162. Martin Zwierlein, Physics
  163. Wolfgang Ketterle, Physics